In 1990, Bishop Bruce E.Greening planted a seed of independence and empowerment by establishing the 24th Catholic Rite, the Independent African American Catholic Rite. He believed that by African Americans taking control of their spiritual destiny and being moved by their culture, they could achieve full spiritual, economic, social, cultural and psychological maturity. In June 1996, another seed was planted, Bishop Bruce E. Greening established The Church of St. Martin de Porres as A New Testament Church. He instituted the five ministries: Fellowship, Discipleship, Worship, Ministry, and Evangelism and installed Lay Ministers to give leadership to these ministries and assist in the day-to-day operations of the church.
We Believe:
“We’ve come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord, trusting in His Holy Word. He’s never failed us
We have made our vows to the Lord, and we cannot turn back. We will go, we must go to see what the
end will be.